
I’m Sarah.

I’m a Content Designer, currently at LinkedIn. I care about:

  • Plain language and wordcraft

  • Thoughtful cross-functional collaboration

  • Design ethics

I invite you to browse my work, then get in touch or connect with me on LinkedIn.


work at LinkedIn

Lead content design for high-stakes EU regulatory consent experiences.

On three-person team to create style guide for GAI products at LinkedIn.

Elevating content quality on the LinkedIn platform.

work at Compass

Shining a light on the user value of a complex feature.

Creating a process to use everyday learnings.

Investigating constraints and designing with words.

Freelance content strategy


Content audit and user research to transform website IA and content plan for a small business.


Other things I care about

Finial & Feather Co.

On my small business venture

Socio-legal history

On my academic work